Will I go Bald Again after a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is a good treatment for stopping hair loss problem permanently. The treatment has become popular because new improvements are created at healthcare services. New generation techniques are used to perform healthcare procedures easily. Both patient and doctor are helpful in providing and obtaining this in less invasive methods. Hair transplant in Ahmedabad proved that it is a perfect option for the people who want a permanent solution for hair loss or baldness. Some people fear that what happens if hair loss repeats after hair transplantation.

Hair Loss does not occur After a Hair Transplant

This is a myth that the transplanted hairs fell down that leads to baldness again. In fact, the transplanted hair does not repeat shedding again in the meantime. The hair follicles which are transplanted grow hair and they stand permanently. It should be cleared that what happens in hair transplantation actually! Generally, people who have got severe hair loss and partial baldness contain unaffected hairs on the backside of the head. This hair is unaffected by the hormones which cause them to fall and stay strong. Those hairs are suitable to be taken as donor hairs in the hair transplant process. The bald area, which is the recipient area is grafted with donor hair follicles.

What Happens in a Hair Transplant?

In the process of hair transplant, hair follicles are collected in the form of grafts and implanted very carefully. The follicles take some time to get adjusted in the foreign place and start growing hairs from that location. In order to make space to grow new hairs, some of the native hairs can fall off after hair transplant surgery. This can be misunderstood as the hair loss which is affected by hair transplant. After a hair transplant surgery, hair loss may be shown slightly, and this can be caused by adjustments of hair follicles and nothing to fear about this.

Avoid Transplanting DHT Sensitive Hairs

In some cases, very rarely, transplanted hairs contain the sensitivity towards DHT hormone which destroys hair follicles. The new hair may start shedding after a long duration due to this problem. If the problems insist severe loss, the problem may be repeated again. So, a person who wants to get a hair transplant must take care of his own case history and get done the surgery in a proper way. The donor hair should be chosen perfectly where the hairs are strong and DHT resistant. If the backside of the head is not a suitable donor area with strength hair follicles it must be rejected. Donor area can be selected from anywhere on the body such as eyebrows, mustaches, beard, chest, sidelocks, underarms etcetera.
Baldness will not be repeated after a successful hair transplant is obtained in a person. Hair transplant Ahmedabad is maintained by expert surgeons who are experienced in this special field. Choosing a good doctor is compulsory to get a hair transplant treatment in order to avoid repeated baldness.


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