Effects of Technology on Hair transplant
This is a well-known fact that hair transplant surgery is a permanent solution for baldness. Hair loss or male pattern baldness is a genetic disorder that removes hairs from the scalp to make it totally bald. In this disease, hair products and hair loss procedures are not effective because hair follicles are never back after they have died. Nowadays, the best treatment for hair loss is available in the Avenues clinic that offers high-quality and affordable hair transplant in Ahmedabad the Avenues clinic offers advanced tools and techniques but some decades ago, it was not possible to bring ultimate results after the surgery because of technological limitations.
Hair Transplant some Decades Ago:
The efforts to cover the bald scalp are not new and experts have been trying to bring an effective solution for many years. The scientists and hair loss experts of those days know well that the hair progresses following a certain pattern. Genetic hair loss generally affects the hairline, temple area, and the crown area and leaves a spars layer of hairs at the severest stage of baldness. This donor area was an important factor and expert tried to utilize the hairs effectively.Hair Plugs used by Hair Loss Experts:
Hair plug was a widely used technique which is outdated today because of modern techniques and technologies. In this procedure, the hair loss experts removed a group of almost 20 or more hairs and inserted to the bald scalp. The results looked quite unnatural because of the pattern of several round hair plugs. However, the surgeons tried to bring natural look but they had technical limitations so they have to compromise.Modern Hair Transplant Techniques:
Modern hair transplant techniques are very improved and use advanced technology to remove the hair from the donor site. Similarly, the recipient area is prepared efficiently so the hair follicles are inserted with optimal depth to provide natural and long-lasting results.Mainly two main hair transplant techniques are used to perform the surgery. These techniques are called strip surgery and FUE technique. In both of the techniques the surgeon use advanced tools to remove and insert the hair follicles.
Challenges and Technical Solutions:
Every patient demand to acquire natural and permanent results and this demand makes hair transplant surgery a challenging job. Some drawback and challenges are always present in the field but modern technology is able to face the challenges effectively.Safety is the main concern for the patient and surgeon. Therefore, the surgeon tries to minimize pain and discomfort. Medicines and sedatives are used to make the surgery totally painless.
While the surgeon removes the hair grafts safety of these grafts is always a great concern for the surgeon. Nowadays, the experts of the Avenues clinic are using Not Root Touch techniques. With this technique, it is possible to save 100% grafts and all the grafts can be transplanted to the bald scalp directly.
As you see, natural and permanent results after the hair transplant in Ahmedabad are based on modern devices, tools, equipment, and technologies. To know more about the hair transplant surgery, visit the Avenues clinic.
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