Why do Doctors Recommend FUE then FUT?

Hair loss is a serious problem for both men and women and people of all age groups want to eliminate the disease at any cost. Most of the time, the hair loss patients use the wrong procedure to cure the disease and regret the decision after being the witness of a failure. By choosing the best hair doctor in Ahmedabad you can make a good decision because of most of the authentic and experienced doctors recommend hair transplant surgery for the treatment of hair loss.
Nowadays, the hair restoration experts are trying to discover new ideas and ways to make the existing treatments more effective for the patients.
Mainly two techniques are used for hair transplant surgery: Follicular Unit Transplant or Strip surgery and Follicular Unit Extraction.
Before comparing these two main techniques, it is necessary to describe both the procedure briefly.
Let us see!

Follicular Unit Transplant:

Follicular Unit Transplant or strip surgery is an older technique that is used by removing a strip of tissue from the donor area and harvesting the hair from the strip. After harvesting the hairs, the surgeon transplant all the hair grafts to the recipient area.

Follicular Unit Extraction:

Follicular Unit Extraction is performed by removing the donor hairs directly from the back and sides of the head and there is no involvement of the strip of tissues during the procedure.

Which Procedure is Preferred by the Surgeons?

We can compare both the procedure to make this question easy but generally, both the procedure are used by the surgeon after they check the candidacy of the patients.
FUT or strip surgery leaves a linear scar on the scalp but it is capable of covering a larger bald area on the scalp. It means the person who wears a short haircut would not like to have this technique. Moreover, this technique has a long recovery time because the wide scar marks do not heal quickly. On the other hand, FUE is performed without using stitches and incisions and due to the use of a tiny instrument; it makes very small scars on the donor area. These scars heal quickly and are hardly visible if the haircut is short.
FUE is used to correct the wise scar marks that are made due to the use of strip surgery. The most important advantage of FUE is the use of other body parts as the donor areas. If the used technique is FUE, the surgeon may use the other hair growing parts of the body, such as beard, moustache, eyebrows etc.
In the Avenues clinic, Dr. Kinnar Kapadia performed both of the procedure and makes the final decision after checking the scalp and hair of the patient. The expectations of the hair loss patient are important to consider and the surgeon does the same.
If you are going to undergo the hair transplant Ahmedabad you may express your views about the strip surgery and FUE technique but the final decision is made by the surgeon.


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