If Baldness is your Problem, Try Hair Transplant in Ahmedabad

It is not abnormal if you shed 50 -100 hair daily because it is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. The hair fall and the hair follicles grow new hair but sometimes, this cycle is disturbed and the hairs do not grow after the hair fall. At one stage, all the hairs are gone and the scalp looks entirely bald. Generally, this condition is called male pattern baldness and the treatment for this problem is hair transplant in Ahmedabad It is not necessary that the baldness is permanent and it can be a temporary condition as well.

The Reasons for Temporary Hair Loss:

As the name shows, temporary hair loss is not a permanent problem and can occur due to several causes that disturb the natural hair growth cycle. Some of the reasons responsible for temporary baldness are improper diet, sleeping problems, stress, seasonal changes, improper hair care etc. It is obvious that if the patients eliminate the root cause of the problem, hair loss can be prevented without any treatment. However, in some cases, the hair loss experts may prescribe some medicines.

The Reasons for Permanent Hair Loss:

Permanent hair loss takes place due to genetic and hormonal reasons. This condition is permanent and cannot be cured with the help of any medicines or non-surgical treatment. However, surgical treatment of permanent baldness is available in the hair restoration clinics. The surgical treatment of hair loss is called hair transplant surgery.

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is a surgical treatment that is performed under the supervision of a trained and licensed surgeon. The surgeon numbs the area with the help of anesthesia and removes the hair from the donor site. Later, he transplants all the hairs to the recipient area.
This procedure is not a cure but your own hairs are transplanted to the new area to cover the bald area. These hairs are baldness-resistant and do not fall due to the effect of male pattern baldness. This is the reason hair transplant surgery yields positive outcomes for most of the patients.

Is the Treatment Same Everywhere?

Hair transplant surgery is amazing and effective without any doubt. However, an authentic clinic is needed to ensure satisfactory results after the surgery. Authentic clinics diagnose the problem very efficiently and provide the best treatments at an affordable cost. Moreover, the success rate is quite high at the authentic clinics. Therefore, you need to be in an authentic clinic for hair transplant surgery.

Hair Transplant Surgery at the Avenues Clinic-

The Avenues clinic is an authentic clinic for hair transplant in Ahmedabad and this is engaged in offering affordable and high-class treatment services. All the experts of the clinic are extremely talented and skilled in all the procedures of hair transplant and the process of deciding the final cost is transparent so the patients do not have a single reason to be unsatisfied while they leave the clinic. You can be the next if you decided to visit the clinic for the treatment.


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