The Importance of Hair and Hair Transplant Surgery

You know it or not but all of your facial features are important to give you a perfect look and if any of these facial features has some deformities, your look is affected and you start to feel depressed because of the deformity. Here we are not talking about your facial features but we would like to concentrate on your hair that is a special part of your face. Actually, your hair and hairline is the most important factor for your look. Did you know it? If you do not believe it, you can visit the Avenues clinic where a lot of hair loss patients come to undergo the hair transplant in Ahmedabad because they are not happy with a bald scalp.

It is true that hair loss does not cause any physical pain but the reason for choosing the hair transplant surgery can be psychological because all of the people want to have an impressive and natural look. This is a social belief that without hair, a person does not look natural.
So, the health of your hair is important but sometimes, you are failed to keep them fit and fine. When you face hair loss, there may be several reasons for the occurrence of baldness like your diet, stress level, sleeping disorder, chronic disease, medications, scalp infection etc. Sometimes, you are responsible for bringing hair loss but in the case of genetic hair loss, you cannot do anything to stop the process since male pattern baldness or permanent hair loss is genetic in nature and it may take place at any time.
Male pattern baldness is a serious problem but some people are ready to live with the disease because of the cost or some myths related to the surgery. However, wise patients choose hair transplant surgery to bring their natural look back.

What is Hair Transplant?

The principle of hair transplant is simple. The hairs from the sides and back are borrowed and inserted to the bald scalp to cover the recipient area. Follicular Unit Transplant and Follicular Unit Extraction are the two main techniques to remove the hair from the back and sides.

Why the Hair of Back and Sides?

In fact, the hairs on the back and sides are baldness resistant and these hairs are not affected by the progression of permanent hair loss. Therefore, these hairs are used for the hair transplant surgery. Donor hairs are extremely important for the success of the surgery. This is the reason your surgeon examines the density and thickness of the donor hairs before he decides to treat your baldness.
How does it Help You?

Hair transplant surgery is extremely helpful and it yields natural results for the patients. The results are permanent because the hairs, after the surgery, do not change their nature and grow on the recipient area forever.
If you want to know more about your donor hairs and hair transplant surgery, you can come to the Avenues clinic for Hair Transplant in Ahmedabad because this is the first place to provide affordable and high-quality treatments.


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