Does Hair really grow after going Bald?
Your hair loss or balding may not be only by a single reason it can occur due to various reasons or set of it. These reasons might include: underlying medical conditions, stress, anxiety, or just plain old hormones. There are various treatments are available to recover lost hair and hair transplant is considered a solution that lasts for long but where to go for hair transplant in Gujarat and can it really grow hair after the surgery. So, can you're growing back with Hair Transplant; Yes…! Hair transplant can regrow your hair and harvest the head full of strands. It is considered a permanent solution for balding. But what could be the reason for permanent hair fall? DHT Hormone is the reason for falling Hairs- DHT(dihydrotestosterone) is a byproduct of testosterone, a male sex hormone which is responsible for the growth of hair on some parts of the body including chest, back, hands, legs and pubic. It is also found in some parts of the scalp and affect the ...